Category: Network Security

The Importance of Data Center Monitoring

Today’s data centers are evolving quickly in order to keep up with the demands of cloud computing, web-based applications, high-availability services and the rest of

Protecting Your Privacy Online

We recently discussed just how public your online privacy actually is. If online privacy is a concern in your business, it may have been a

Your Privacy Online

Chances are you visit several websites a day that have Facebook or Twitter icons on them. Or perhaps some of the sites you visit have

data theft

Data Theft Is Still Theft

If you use email or computers in your company (and who doesn’t?), chances are your employees are stealing from you. It may not be intentional,

Security Considerations in IPv6

As IPv6 gains in popularity, so does the popularity of its vulnerabilities. As we have discussed recently, the rollout of IPv6 is taking quite some

Benefits of Migrating from NetWare to Windows Server

A Gap in Cloud Security

Virtualization is a hot topic among server administrators these days, and the use of virtual machines and cloud services continues to rise. A virtual machine

IT support minneapolis

A Better Alternative for IT Support

Over the past few months, we’ve noticed a trend with our new clients–they want out of their existing contracts with other IT companies. It seems

OAC Technology Devices

Security Watch: Bring Your Own Network

With the advent of smartphones, tablets and other bring-your-own-devices in the corporate environment, IT administrators have been working hard to maintain network security while remaining

Alert: SOPA Virus Scam

A new virus scam popped up last week claiming to be a part of the “Stop Online Piracy Automatic Protection System.” As you may recall,