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Why Cybersecurity Training is Important for Your Business

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A 2019 report by IBM found that over 95% of security breaches were done by human error. If your employees aren’t trained in cybersecurity, they could risk your business.


Cybersecurity training is essential for businesses of all sizes to protect themselves from the growing threat of cyber attacks. These attacks can come in many forms, such as phishing emails, malware, and ransomware. By providing employees with cybersecurity training, businesses can help to prevent these attacks from happening in the first place.


There are many benefits to providing cybersecurity training for employees. First, it can help to prevent cyber attacks from happening in the first place. By teaching employees about the dangers of clicking on links in emails or opening attachments from unknown sources, businesses can help reduce the likelihood of an attack.


Second, cybersecurity training can help employees to identify attacks that do occur. By teaching employees what to look for, businesses can help to ensure that attacks are caught early and dealt with quickly.


Third, cybersecurity training can help businesses to recover from an attack more quickly. Companies can minimize the damage and get back up and running faster by having a plan in place for dealing with an attack.


Overall, providing cybersecurity training for employees is a great way to help businesses protect themselves from the growing threat of cyber attacks. By teaching employees about the dangers of clicking on links in emails or opening attachments from unknown sources, businesses can help reduce the likelihood of an attack. 


Additionally, by teaching employees what to look for, companies can help to ensure that attacks are caught early and dealt with quickly. Finally, by having a plan in place for how to deal with an attack, businesses can minimize the damage that is done and get back up and running more quickly.

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OAC Technology

