Upgrading Your Asterisk Phone System

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If you use a VoIP phone system in your small business, you may not know that they require software updates, just like any other software application. Systems like Asterisk are software-based solutions, and as such, regular upgrades mean bugs get fixed and security holes get patched. While not every update is required, you should pay particular attention to updates that improve the security of your system.

Upgrading Asterisk is like upgrading an operating system. It’s more involved than simply clicking an “Update” button, and once your phone system is up and running, it can be very disruptive for your business if it’s down for maintenance. The upgrade of your phone system needs to be planned out and tested thoroughly before being put into production. Because every setup is different, a system upgrade plan should be created with your IT team.

A production Asterisk system should never be upgraded without first testing it in a development environment. That way, the configuration files can be tested against new features and changes between versions.

Upgrading Asterisk can be successful as long as sufficient planning and testing are implemented prior to the full rollout. In some cases, setting up a second physical machine could be used as a backup system in case any issues may arise. It’s the planning and the backup plan that are the most important aspects of an Asterisk upgrade.

Minneapolis-based IT support company OAC Technology has extensive experience working with Asterisk phone systems and can help you stay up-to-date and secure. While upgrades do typically involve downtime, we can help plan your upgrade while keeping minimum downtime in mind. Because every Asterisk system is different, we offer a free consultation to help assess your business’s needs. Contact us today to set up your free consultation!

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OAC Technology

