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How do I recover a lost password?


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These are pretty frustrating words to see when you try to log into a system or program.

So, what happens when you forget the password, and where exactly was that “safe place”?

If you forgot the password to log onto your computer, your IT Administrator can reset this password with no problem.

  • What if the program or system doesn’t have a wizard to reset your password?
  • What if it’s the Administrator password that’s forgotten?

The good news is: It is still possible to recover or reset these passwords!

There are a number of options that OAC Technology can use in order to recover or reset lost passwords. Here are just a few of the accounts we can help you out with:

  • Computers, including Linux
  • Windows Server 2000-2008 R2
  • Active Directory (and local) accounts
  • Domain Accounts, including Domain Administration
  • Cisco Routers/Firewalls
  • Sonicwall Firewalls
  • QuickBooks software
  • Microsoft Office, including Outlook

If you have a lost or forgotten password, we can help reset it. Give us a call to discuss the details and what would be involved in resetting or recovering a lost password.

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OAC Technology

