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What’s New in Outlook Web App 2013

Benefits of Migrating from NetWare to Windows Server

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Exchange Server 2013, the newest version of Microsoft Exchange Server, a popular messaging, email and scheduling platform, includes several enhancements that may be of benefit to your business. One of the most visible improvements for the end user is the revamped Outlook Web App (OWA).

OWA, previously known as Outlook Web Access, is a webmail service that enhances the portability of Exchange services and is used primarily by remote administrators and users who travel for business. Here are a few of the improvements you can look forward to in Exchange Server 2013.

Device Compatibility

Microsoft revamped OWA with responsive web design, which automatically adjusts to fit the user’s display. In other words, no matter what device a user has, OWA will look and work great. OWA 2013 supports smartphones and tablets that run Windows 8, iOS 5+ and Android 4.

Browser Support

Much like the enhanced device compatibility, OWA now also supports most modern browsers on the desktop. In prior versions Internet Explorer was the only browser supported. OWA 2013 adds Chrome, Firefox and Safari to the list.

Offline Access

For users who may not always have an internet connection (think of those long coast-to-coast flights), OWA now offers offline access. OWA Offline allows you to use your mailbox offline and will automatically sync changes once an internet connection is available.

Exchange Administrative Center (EAC)

The Exchange Administrative Center (EAC) allows admins to easily access Exchange Server from the road using a web interface. Tools available in EAC include Exchange Control Panel (ECP), Exchange Management Shell (EMS) and Exchange Management Console (EMC).

If your company has employees who do business on the road, Exchange Server 2013 may be a good solution to your messaging and scheduling needs. When it comes time to make that decision, Minneapolis-based IT support company OAC Technology can help. We’ve been helping small businesses with their IT needs for over 10 years and can help keep your business’s technology running smoothly. Contact us today for a free consultation.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
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OAC Technology

