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How to Protect Your Business from Ransomware


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First, what is ransomware and why do you want to keep your company safe from it?

Ransomware by definition is malware or malicious software designed to block access to a computer system until a ransom or sum of money is paid. This type of software uses encryption to hold people’s data for ransom. If a user or business does not pay the ransom demand, the files will stay encrypted and unable to be accessed by the victim. Even after paying the ransom though, additional ransom may be demanded, data may be deleted, or it may stay encrypted. This is why you do NOT want to pay the ransom demands, as there is no guarantee you will get your data back.

Simply put, ransomware attacks are usually done by tricking the end user into downloading or opening a file that then encrypts their data. Phishing attempts are also used to gain access to the end users computer or system, where ransomware can then be loaded.

Ransomware attacks are becoming more and more frequent and can result in significant down time and cost if your company is impacted. According to MIT Technology Review the cost of ransomware in the US last year alone was over $7.5 billion. The costs and attacks this year are expected to be even higher. Cyber security is important in keeping your business running safely and smoothly.

What can you do to keep your company data safe?

Backups are essential.

By performing regular and frequent backups of your systems, you have the ability to restore to backup in the case of a ransomware attack. Unfortunately, in the case of ransomware, backups may be your only way to get all or even some of your data back.

At OAC Technology, we recommend backups anyways because your data is important to your business and daily operations. Hardware can fail, cyber security attacks can cause loss of data, and backups are sometimes the only way to get your data restored.

Regular maintenance to verify that your backups are working and complete is important. Along with making sure that you isolate your backups from normal operations. In the case of a ransomware attack, you want to ensure that your backups are working and not accessible to the attackers. We have seen cases where ransomware attacks have targeted unsecured backups. If you think your backups are not secure, reach out to OAC Technology and we can help ensure you have proper system backups.

Protecting against ransomware

Of course, the best defense against ransomware is preventing the attack before it happens.

As a business, you can put several preventative measures in place.

Update and patch your systems, servers, and computers. Make sure all of your systems, servers, and computers have the most recent security patches and upgrades. Regular patching can help prevent attackers from exploiting known system weaknesses.

Use antivirus software and firewalls. Make sure your business has the proper antivirus software in place and a well maintained firewall. By updating your security and making sure your network is setup properly, you can minimize the chance of attackers gaining access to multiple systems. Here at OAC Technology, we can help evaluate your network security and make recommendations to keep your network safe.

Don’t open unknown email attachments. Verify senders and keep your personal information safe. Proper training of your employees can help minimize the risk. Teach your employees to not provide personal information or input passwords into unknown sources. Opening an unknown attachment or putting credentials into an unknown source, can be a costly mistake. Train employees to spot and reach out to IT if they think an email or call is suspicious.

Responding to a ransomware attack

If you have been a victim of a ransomware attack, immediately disconnect the infected machine from the network and reach out to your IT support. A quick response is vital. Our technicians can assist you through the process and help your business get up and running again.

Secure your backups. Reach out to your IT support before restoring from backup, as you will want to make sure your network is clear of ransomware. Otherwise, you risk infecting your backups.

Want to make sure your company is protected against ransomware and other cyber security attacks?

At OAC Technology, we can assist in making sure your company is protected against ransomware and other cyber security attacks. Our technicians can help assess your company’s line of defense and make recommendations to protect your business. Contact us today to ensure you have proper backups and that your company’s network security is setup properly with the systems in place to keep you protected.

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OAC Technology

