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How do I upgrade Exchange 2010?


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Did you know that Microsoft Exchange 2010 reached end of life?

Microsoft announced it is no longer updating or supplying security patches for Exchange 2010 as of October 2020, which means that if you have not updated yet, you may be vulnerable to many security risks! In order to make sure your servers are safe and secure, you’ll want to upgrade, and we, at OAC Technology, can show you how.

Why Do I Need to Worry About Security Updates?

Security updates and patches are an important part of keeping your business and its data protected from new computer viruses and malware. When new vulnerabilities are discovered and exploited, it leaves your business open to cyber-attacks including viruses, remote access, hackers, crypto-locker, and ransomware. Continuing to use Exchange 2010 after it reached end of life, opens your business up to these vulnerabilities. From a business standpoint, it may allow those exploiting vulnerabilities to access your email systems and company data.

How Do I Upgrade Exchange 2010?

At OAC Technology, we understand there are several factors to consider when it comes to updating. We’d like to help your company navigate these factors and deal with the end of life of Exchange 2010. We can provide more information on the costs and process to upgrade and transition to the latest email server system, whether it is Exchange on Premise, or Microsoft 365.

So how do you upgrade your company’s Exchange server? Do you need to migrate from Exchange to the cloud? These are all questions, we here at OAC Technology can help you answer. If you need an Exchange server consultant, or are you not sure you’re on the latest Exchange Server?  Give us a call today!

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