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GoDaddy Problems Cause Email Delays and Web Sites to be Inaccessible For Millions of Users

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Minneapolis-IT-Consultant-GoDaddy-DNSStarting around 1pm EDT on September 10th, 2012, you may have noticed problems sending or receiving emails or had trouble accessing some websites.

A hacker launched a denial of service attack on GoDaddy’s servers and took down a major portion of their systems, leaving many websites and email boxes unreachable.

According to GoDaddy’s Twitter account, the company is aware of the problem and is working hard to resolve the issue.

GoDaddy is one of the internet’s largest registrars, with over 45 million domain names that they manage, and are the largest web & email hosting company in the United States.

Many customers have complained they are having trouble accessing web sites that were registered using GoDaddy. Non-Godaddy customers have reported problems sending and receiving email to GoDaddy customers this afternoon.

If your company is having problems with email or website delays, or you would like assistance transferring your services from GoDaddy, please give us a call at 952-548-5558 and we would be happy to help you.

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