Four Viruses to Watch Out for In 2022

Computer Repair

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Viruses and malware are always evolving. This makes them more dangerous and advanced by the second. Because of this, protecting yourself is crucial from becoming a victim of a recent virus or malware attack. Here is a brief outlook on some of the most prominent viruses going into 2022.

Clop Ransomware

Ransomware is a type of malware that can encrypt your computer’s files until you fork over a ransom to the hackers. “Clop” is the name of one of the most recent and dangerous threats out there. It targets Windows users typically. This ransomware has evolved into targeting entire networks.

False Windows Updates

Another common ransomware that is emerging is a fake windows update. Hackers have begun sending emails with instructions on installing an “urgent Windows update”. These emails trick readers into installing ‘.exe’ files that can encrypt your files. Many email providers and basic antiviruses may not be able to fully detect the danger of these emails.


While not a specific type of malware or virus, RaaS (Ransomware as a Service) is an illegal industry that is growing in the underground hacking communities. People without proper knowledge can hire professional hackers to carry out ransomware attacks.

News Malware

Current news stories and world events are used to target readers with malware. Hackers may send out emails that are disguised as seemingly real news stories. The recipients of the emails are instructed to click on the link. However, the links contain malware that may copy your computer’s files and steal personal information.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
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