Protect Your System Against the Satan Computer Virus

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A malware program called Satan was recently discovered within the internet’s dark web. Its primary purpose is to spread ransomware to as many computer devices as possible. Hackers offer it to each other at no cost and claim that anyone can use it. They only ask for a share of the extortion money one may obtain by using it. Individual hackers can alter the behavior of the program as well.

Once ransomware is installed on a computer, it takes over all of its operations, thereby rendering it useless to the owner. Each year, the spread of this malware continues to rise, and according to today’s estimates, it has facilitated the extortion of more than $1 billion from firms and individuals in 2016 alone.

How to effectively protect your computer from ransomware attacks like Satan

  • Install anti-malware software on all your computers
  • Make sure all of your anti-malware programs are up-to-date to avoid new and advanced forms of the attack.
  • Ensure that your computer’s OS and web browsers are up-to-date.
  • Make sure that any links you click on are genuine regardless of whether you believe it to be from a friend or not. You can start by hovering over the link to see what pops up on the lower left-hand corner of your screen. It should display the web address of the link. Those that start with ‘https’ as opposed to ‘http’ tend to be more secure. You can also copy and paste the link and conduct a search on

Keep in mind that if you happen to be the victim of ransomware, all your information and data could be held hostage or compromised. As a result, to avoid such a situation, make sure you back up your computer. Also, store copies of important files on another hard drive or a computer based program like Carbonite that can back up everything continuously.

Computer viruses can impact the overall operation of your computer and ruin personal files. Here at OAC Technology, our skilled IT professionals can detect system dangers and remove any computer virus that you have. Contact us online or call us at 952-548-5558 to learn more.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
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